The Wrath of the Bottle

The devil is in the drink It can be more harmful than you may think What starts off as fun, can end in disaster It’s a slippery slope not everyone can master It has the power to destroy everything…

Unmasking the Lies

Do you actually believe your own web of lies? The real you is getting harder and harder to disguise You’ve created your hellish world all on your own And now you’re a shell of a man and all alone…

Fear the Reaper

I wrote this poem to represent how I’ve been feeling as my husband continues to fight for his life in the ICU. The fear that he could pass away at any time consumes me. Whenever the phone rings, my…

The Devil on Your Shoulder

Poetry has always been a great outlet to help me process my pain. As I struggle to navigate through an extremely difficult time in my life, I turn my innermost thoughts into a work of art. Creating beauty from…

Embracing the Beautiful Chaos of Motherhood

Being a mother is one of the hardest, yet most rewarding things we women can do in our lives. It shows us how fierce and strong we are—through overcoming the hardships of pregnancy, birth, and beyond. It relinquishes our…