I’ve Been Nominated for a Liebster Award!

I’m proud to announce the exciting news that my blog has been nominated for a Liebster Award! A special thank you to Megan from Megan Says for the nomination and support. It really means a lot.   Check out Megan’s lifestyle blog for her fabulous beauty finds, thought-provoking…

My 31-Day Meditation Challenge

Within the past year, I’ve struggled with occasional anxiety and panic attacks. This can be scary and debilitating, so I knew I needed to do something about it. I researched ways to deal with anxiety and came upon meditation. (Find out about other natural options I discovered here).…

Color Your Way to Calm

Coloring isn’t just for kids anymore. Adult coloring books are all the rage right now—I see them everywhere I go. Whether you’ve already jumped on the bandwagon or are interested in getting started, here’s how coloring may benefit you: Coloring helps reduce…

How to Bring More Gratitude Into Your Life

Thanksgiving is a time we typically give thanks, but it doesn’t have to be limited to just once a year. Cultivating gratitude is about taking time out of our busy lives to appreciate what we have. This has been shown to offer…

If I Could Write a Letter to Heaven

Grieving the death of a loved one is a complicated, ongoing process and none of us handle it in the same way. Our hearts hurt at the thought of no longer being able to speak to a loved one or call…

The Art of Letting Go

There’s no better time than today to release whatever is holding us back in our lives. Maybe it’s a person, a relationship (past or present), a grudge, our fears, or even our expectations. Whatever it is, it’s time to…