Becoming a mother was something I’ve wanted for as long as I can remember. I watched many friends expand their families as I sat idly by wondering when my time would come. As the years passed and I neared my late 30s, I felt that dream become more and more out of reach. But then it happened―I married the love of my life and became pregnant. It just so happened that fate worked its magic during a global pandemic.
While I found it ironic that all my hopes and dreams were finally coming true as the world around me seemed to be crumbling, I’ve tried not to let that steal my joy. Social media can be a cruel place filled with the callous opinions of people hiding behind their keyboards. I’ve read some people say it’s selfish to bring a child into this world during a pandemic, and others referred to babies born during this time as “COVID babies”. Well, I want to tell these people that this precious baby boy I’ve been growing in my belly is not a “COVID baby”. He was carefully planned―not simply conceived because we were stuck in our house with nothing else better to do. He represents all that is good in this scary world we live in. He’s the culmination of countless prayers all wrapped up in a tiny little package; the embodiment of love and unwavering faith. In the simplest of terms, he’s my miracle.
I’d like to give a virtual hug to all the other mommies out there navigating pregnancy or motherhood during this uncertain time. Our world may not be perfect, but neither are we. We never let that hold us back, so we shouldn’t let anything take away the happiness and excitement we’re entitled to feel during this very special time.