When facing divorce, the life we dreamed of living flashes before our eyes and is swept away in a cloud of smoke. We mourn the happy life we planned—a life we won’t have with the person we married.
Through this difficult process, we learn the tough lesson that not all things go as planned. We think about the future and wonder who will take our place and live the life we once wanted. We wonder if their next love story will have a happier ending or if we’ll ever find love again.
Choosing to move on leads to bitter sweet feelings of relief and sorry all at once. It feels both freeing and unfair. And as we heal, we’ll continue to feel a roller coaster of emotions. We’ll think about the good times, but then remember the bad times that forced us to make this difficult decision. Then we’ll realize we’d rather follow the uncertain road and all of its potential than continue on the certain path of unhappiness. This is proof that we refused to settle for less than we deserved because we know our worth. We finally chose ourselves, and that makes all the mistakes and messiness of our lives with it—because we’re worth it.
The time will come when we’ll look back on these messy days and be proud of ourselves for pushing through the pain. We’ll recognize the bravery and strength it took to follow our hearts and do what’s best for us, despite how hard it was. We’ll continue to rebuild our lives and rewrite our stories so we can open ourselves up to one day finding what we truly want and deserve.
“Some day everything will make perfect sense. For now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.”
John Mayer