Natural Ways to Deal With Anxiety

Health and Wellness

I sat in the middle of a loud, crowded restaurant when an overwhelming feeling of panic swept over me. My heart started pounding, my arms felt numb, and my throat started closing up. It felt almost like an out-of-body experience. In that moment, all I wanted to do was get up and leave, but I was paralyzed with fear. This was my first real experience with a panic attack.

It happened without warning and the scariest part was I didn’t even know what triggered it. It frightened me to my core and I never wanted to feel that way again. Since this episode happened in a restaurant, I started feeling anxious whenever I went to one. I was essentially having anxiety over having anxiety and it made me feel helpless. This was all new to me. Sure, I’d get nervous before big events or around people I wasn’t comfortable with, but never anything that had such a profound impact on me.

I didn’t want to rely on medication for anxiety, so I researched natural alternatives to deal with it. Here’s what I found:


Yoga can be extremely therapeutic and calming. The key to using yoga to help with your anxiety is to choose soothing movements that keep you focused on the present moment. Here are some yoga poses you can try.

Breathing exercises

I recently attended a workshop where I learned several useful breathing exercises designed to calm anxiety. One technique is called ocean breathing. To try this, begin by sitting comfortably, closing your eyes, and pressing down on your “ear flaps” (cartilage). You’ll then inhale through your nose and exhale through a closed mouth. Think of it as making the sound of fogging up a mirror with your breath. You may even feel like you sound like Darth Vader. If breathing through a closed mouth is too challenging, you can start off by practicing with an open mouth and moving onto the closed mouth technique once you’ve mastered it.

Although breathing exercises are a helpful way to calm you during an anxiety/panic attack, it’s best to perform them proactively when you wake up and before you go to bed to help ward them off.


Meditation is another great tool to combat anxiety, but clearing your mind can be a little tricky. It takes practice and patience, but eventually, it will become second nature. Start off slow by sitting comfortably or laying down, closing your eyes, and focusing on your breathing for up to 5 minutes. Remember, no matter how distracted you get, your breath can always bring you back to the present moment. That’s what meditation is all about.

As you get used to it, you’ll be able to meditate for longer periods of time. It will also get easier to tune out your surroundings and take this time for yourself.

Essential oils

I discovered essential oils work great for me. I carry frankincense in my purse just in case I start to feel anxious. I simply just rub it on my wrist with a roller ball. You can also diffuse it at home. Young Living has a recipe for a blend called Liquid Calm. To make this, you’ll need the following:

  • 5 mL bottle with roller
  • 16 drops of lavender
  • 14 drops of valor
  • 13 drops of stress away
  • 5 drops of patchouli
  • 8 drops of vetiver
  • Carrier oil to top it off (I use fractionated coconut oil)

If you’ve never tried oils yourself, you may be skeptical. But don’t knock it until you try it. You can find out more about Young Living 100% therapeutic grade essential oils here.

If you suffer from anxiety, take comfort in knowing you are not alone. In the United States, 40 million people over the age of 18 are affected by anxiety—that’s approximately 18% of the nation’s population.

There are many strategies you can use to deal with anxiety on top of the ones I just mentioned, such as talking to a licensed therapist. It’s just a matter of finding what works best for you.

What techniques do you use to deal with anxiety?

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