No More Excuses, Just Results: How I Made Fitness a Priority

Health and Wellness

Sometimes we need that extra push to motivate us to reach our goals. We can talk all day long about how much we want something, but none of that matters if we don’t go after it.

I’ve been wanting to get in better shape but nothing I did seemed to get me the results I was looking for. I used to love kickboxing because it got me into the best shape of my life. But even though I loved working out, I stopped going because my work schedule became too hectic and unpredictable. I was just making excuses and accepting all the reasons why I couldn’t reach my goal.

[ctt template=”4″ link=”2gU4l” via=”no” ]”If you want something bad enough you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.”~Jim Rohn[/ctt]

Fast forward to a couple of years later when I knew I needed to stop making excuses and start taking action. I checked my former kickboxing gym’s class schedule and saw they were now offering classes at 5:30 a.m. Even though that felt like an ungodly hour, I knew this could be the solution to my problem. Now work couldn’t get in the way of reaching my goal. I decided to sign back up for classes. The best part—I got my sister to sign back up with me!

For some extra motivation, I signed up for the gym’s six-week weight loss challenge. For the challenge, teams of three will be weighed and tested with strength exercises before and after the six-week period. The team that makes the most improvement will win prizes worth up to $500!

Since starting the challenge, I’m proud to say I’ve gone to bed early so I could wake up in time for the morning class. I’ve even set my alarm early on the weekends to start my day off with a workout. Sweating never felt so good! Each class I take, I feel closer and closer to my goal. Now I’m in control of my health. As long as I keep the fire burning within me, I can crush my goals. No more excuses, just results.

What goals are you working hard to achieve?

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